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Here I'll list my cast of misfits and troublemakers.  I'll also give a bit of insight into each as I get around to it.

Simian's Tales

The Gang - (better name pending)

Simian - Simian (or Monkey Man as he was originally known) is base partial on a song I wrote in high entitled "Monkey Boy."  He seems to be nothing more than a somewhat bumbling henchman in service of Wizard.  In truth there is much more to Simian as appearances are deceiving.

Stygan - A bit of a mystery (even to me at this point), Stygan is Wizard's second best henchman.  He came from Parts Unknown, and has no memories of his life before signing up with Wizard.  Despite this he has proven to be quite resourceful and effective.  His best friend is Simian.

Miss Neko - The perfect henchman, Miss Neko never ask questions and always gets results.  When she was seven Wizard found Neko on the street, starving.  Over the years he would mold her into the finely tuned ass-kicking machine that she is today.  She has no friends and likes it that way.

Hannah - Totally insane, yet totally lethal.  Hannah is equal parts Terminatrix (Terminator 3) and Gir (Invader Zim).  A sort of super crazy, super deadly River Tam (Firefly).

Wizard - The big boss man.  The man behind the curtain.  The Mastermind of The Gang.  Wizard will leave no stone unturned, no treasury unpillaged in his pursuit of world domination.  He demands obedience from his subordinates and will ruthlessly destroy anyone who defies him.


Scout Thompson - She was born to two big city lawyers, who may have been a bit to fascinated with  To Kill a Mockingbird.  Scout is tireless in her pursuit of the big story that has practically fallen into lap.  Little does she know just how far her story will take her.

Joe and Al - FBI agents investigating The Gang.  They got more than they bargained for and are now deceased.

Deep Ten - Scout Thompson's informant, and an otherwise complete enigma.